
What We Believe


We believe in a true and living God who is love. He is the creator of all things. He is all glorious and infinitely perfect. He is eternal, he has no beginning or end. One God in three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the source of all good. God is sovereign in every way and is completely worthy of all worship and honor.


We believe that The Holy Bible was written by divinely inspired men and is God’s revelation of himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God as its author, its purpose is salvation, and its subject is truth, without any admixture of error in its original manuscripts. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and reliable and inerrant. The Bible is centered on the person of Jesus, he is the hero of every page.


We believe that man is God’s special creation, made in his own image. He created them male and female as the crown of his creation. The gift of gender is therefore part of the goodness of God’s creation. In the beginning man was innocent and was gifted by God with the freedom to choose. By his own decision man sinned against God and brought sin to the human race. Through the temptation of Satan man transgressed the commandment of God, and fell from his original state of innocence, whereby his posterity inherited a nature and environment inclined to sin. Away from Christ, we all deserve God’s wrath and judgment.


We believe that Christ is the eternal Son of God. In his incarnation as Jesus Christ he was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He honored the divine law by his personal obedience, and in his substitutionary death on the cross, He made provision for the redemption of men from sin. He was raised from the dead with a glorified body. He ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God where He is the Only Mediator, fully God, fully man, in whose Person reconciliation between God and man has been effected. He will return with power and glory to judge the world and complete his redemptive mission. He now dwells in all believers as the living and omniscient Lord.


We believe that Salvation involves the total redemption of man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, who by his own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer.


We believe that The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, completely divine. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures. Through illumination He enables men to understand the truth. He exalts Christ.


We believe that A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local, self-governing congregation of baptized believers, associated in covenant faith and fellowship of the gospel; fulfilling the two ordinances of Christ, governed by his laws, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges with which they have been invested by his Word, and seeking to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.


We believe that God, in his own time and in his own way, will bring the world to its proper end. According to his promise, Jesus Christ will return to earth in glory in a personal and visible way; the dead will rise; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness.